Ontario University Fair

The Ontario University Fair will run this year from September 28th to September 30th at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Ontario.  The doors open for visitors at 10:00 am and close at 5:00 pm every day.  If you are a Grade 11 or Grade 12 student considering applying to university programs over the next couple of years, you should plan to attend this fair if you have the ability to do so.

The University of Waterloo will be well represented with a large booth in the Main Exhibit Hall.  The Faculty of Engineering will send a large team of faculty members, staff members, and students to answer the questions of applicants and their families.  At the fair, you can learn more about our highly respected co-operative education program and how it helps students successfully pay for a substantial portion of their education.  You can also learn about the 14 different engineering programs that we offer as well as our excellent Architecture program.  Our volunteers will do their best to answer all of your questions.

I highly recommend speaking with our students about their experiences.  Our students have been instructed to answer your questions honestly.  They will tell you that our programs are very challenging.  For many students, the transition from secondary school to university is a difficult one.  Moving away from home, relocating to a new city, making new friends, and learning an entirely different daily routine can be daunting task.  Our students can provide you with tips on how to make this transition successfully.  After all, just a few years ago, they were in a situation similar to your situation.

I will be at the fair for a portion of all three days.  I will do my best to answer your questions or to refer you to a member of our team that can do so.  I look forward to meeting all of our future students and their parents at the fair!

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